5 Reasons Why Hiring an Oklahoma Car Accident Attorney is Critical for Your Recovery

Oklahoma Car Accident Lawyer

According to the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office, there were more than 9,360 car accidents across the state that resulted in 11,619 injured persons and 762 fatalities. If you or someone you love was injured, or if your family lost a loved one in a car accident, you are entitled to financial compensation.

The laws of the state do allow you to pursue compensation from the at-fault driver and their insurance company on your own. Doing so can be risky and complicated, though. If you hire a personal injury law firm to represent you, your case will benefit you in a variety of ways. Our familiarity with state and local insurance and personal injury law will also work in your favor.

Hiring A Car Accident Attorneys Lets You Focus On Your Physical Recovery
A collision between two vehicles is a serious, traumatic, and dangerous event. The injuries you sustain in a car accident can range from minor to severe. In Oklahoma, injuries are classified according to severity. According to the state’s KABCO scale:

• K injuries are fatalities. They include immediate fatalities and those that occur within 30 days of the accident and as a direct cause of the accident.
• A injuries are serious. They include injuries severe enough to cause you to be incapacitated and prevent you from walking or engaging in any physical activity you enjoyed prior to the accident.
• B injuries are minor. They will not impede your mobility but can cause temporary pain and discomfort that will respond to treatment.
• C injuries are possible injuries that may not have been reported.
• injuries are not injuries at all. Instead, this letter is used to signify car accidents that resulted only in property damage.

Understanding the type and severity of your injuries is important to your post-accident health and to accurately assess the medical portion of your injury case. While you focus on your recovery and on helping a loved one recover, we will focus on building your case and fighting for your compensation.

Car Accident Lawyers Will Build A Compelling Evidence File For You
Proving the other involved driver caused your accident and is responsible for compensating you depends on the evidence you gather. According to American Bar Association (ABA) guidelines, most car accidents and other personal injury cases are settled out of court based on the weight of the evidence.

The evidence we collect for your case file will include:

• Medical records and bills
• Written future prognosis
• Employment and salary history
• Official car accident report
• Accident scene and injury photos
• Lay witness statements
• Expert witness statements

While the majority of car accident cases will not go to court, you definitely want one of our personal injury lawyers on your side if yours does. Do not hesitate to contact us today by calling (918) 796-5780 for a free review of your case.

Personal Injury Lawyers Will Make Sure You Do Not Run Out of Time To File Your Lawsuit
If your car accident happened anywhere in the state of Oklahoma, their statute of limitations will determine how much time you have to file your lawsuit. If it takes too long for the at-fault party or their insurer to make an acceptable settlement, our lawyer will file your lawsuit.

According to Oklahoma’s personal injury laws, you generally have:

• Two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit if you or someone you love was hurt or had property damage
• Two years from the date of a loved one’s demise if it was caused by, or as a result of, the accident

The at-fault party’s insurer will watch the statutory clock as closely as we will. We will ensure your case is filed in time to comply with Oklahoma’s statute of limitations and remove the risk of having your case dismissed or having the court refuse its filing at all. In other words, we stop at nothing to protect your right to recover damages from the negligent driver.

Car Accident Lawyers Will Make Sure Your Case Is Not Undervalued or Underpaid
A car accident can lead to an incredible array of unexpected bills and expenses. While you concentrate on getting better, we make sure none of your recoverable damages are overlooked.

These include economic damages like:

• Current and future medical expenses
• Current and future income loss
• Loss of future earning capacity
• Healthcare-related travel expenses
• Vehicle damage or complete loss
• Diminished property value

We also make sure you recover non-economic damages like physical disability and disfigurement, ongoing physical pain and suffering, mental and emotional anguish, and diminished quality of life.

Our car accident lawyer will also help surviving families collect several types of wrongful death damages. Your loved one’s funeral and burial costs are recoverable by specific family members.

Spouses can also recover damages for their loss of consortium and society; children can recover damages for their loss of parental guidance and support. We will explain which family members are eligible and ensure their compensation request includes the loss of their loved one’s financial and domestic contributions.

Automobile Accident Lawyers Can Explain Relevant Laws In Plain Language
The days and weeks after a car accident can be confusing and filled with personal injury and insurance terminology and jargon. When we handle your case, we will break down every law that pertains to your case into easily understandable language and into bite-sized pieces of information.

We also take the mystery and confusion out of insurance forms and court documents that can be confusing. We mean it when we say we take care of every detail – big and small – that relates to your case so you can spend your time and energy taking care of yourself and your family.

Call Us Anytime
Were you or someone you love injured by a negligent driver in the state of Oklahoma? If you were, we can help. At Larby & Associates, we are committed to helping you recover the financial compensation you are entitled to. Call one of our consultants to get your free car accident case review today.


Posted Under: Automobile Accidents, Car Accident, Personal Injury