Our Trucking Accidents Attorneys
Are Ready to Help
Because passenger cars share the road with commercial vehicles, 18-wheelers, semis, and tractor-trailers, the National Traffic Safety Administration makes certain requirements for commercial drivers. These rules, regulations, and safeguards are put in place to make roads safe for civilian and commercial drivers. They’re instituted to lessen the instances of trucking accidents. When you’re involved in a truck accident, it can lead to serious injuries and devastation.
Large commercial vehicles pose substantial risks and hazards to pedestrians and other vehicles. Some of the hazards they pose include, hazardous wastes spills, and an innate inability to stop quickly enough to avoid collision. Due to their sheer size, they also pose the risk of creating a multiple vehicle pile-up in the aftermath of an initial collision. Our law firm has the safety of Oklahoma drivers in mind. We arm ourselves with ongoing, updated knowledge of the regulations and safeguards that standardize the operation of trucking companies and truck drivers.
While it’s true that the commercial trucking industry is heavily regulated, these regulations and safeguards are far too frequently overlooked. In some cases, they are outright ignored. That happens for a variety of reasons. Drivers may feel pressured to meet unrealistic delivery deadlines and truckers may wish to shorten the number of days they spend on the road. Furthermore, trucks might be overloaded, or cargo might be improperly balanced, thereby exceeding their safety capacities.
Common Operator Behavior That Leads To Trucking Accidents Include
Excessive speed or aggressive driving
Failure to yield the right of way
Operator fatigue due to deadlines
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Traveling outside of marked, designated truck lanes
Incorrectly weighted or balanced loads
What To Do If You’re Involved In A Trucking Accident
It is vital that an investigation begin immediately following an accident involving a truck or commercial vehicle. The first thing you should do is seek prompt medical attention. Call the police immediately. The police can accurately document the scene of the accident and ensure you receive prompt medical attention. Avoid discussion with the truck driver and do not discuss fault with anyone. If you’re able, try to capture accurate depictions of skid marks, weather and road conditions, and the truck’s identifying information. That might include branding, signage, and numbers. Move yourself and any passengers to safety, exchange information with the driver, and document the accident scene. If you are able, make a point of taking photos that depict your vehicle and the truck in question.
Do not talk to the insurance company representing the truck driver on your own. They want to settle your claim for as little money out of their pockets as they can get away with. Instead, contact an attorney as soon after the accident as you can. Truck accidents involving commercial vehicles are complex and having a lawyer who knows what to do is crucial. Our number one priority is your physical and emotional wellbeing. At Larby & Associates, we help gather evidence of the cause of the accident, prove the full extent of the accident, and get financial compensation that allows you to rebuild your life.
For more than a DECADE, we’ve helped our clients overcome the challenges and suffering created by avoidable injuries and accidents. Our extensive knowledge of Oklahoma law means we hold the highest possible ratings and elite memberships from leading professional organizations. Learn moreAbout us »
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